The past week has been Thanksgiving break, and I went to Grandma Bagwill's. It was fun visiting relatives but they only have dial-up internet. I brought my laptop and x-box to help with the lack of internet, but I forgot all of my games, except the ones already in my laptop and x-box. So I had a week of no internet with basically only warcraft 3 and TV to tide me over from insanity (keep in mind that I barely ever watch much TV or play video-games because I'm always on the internet). This week has made me deeply appreciate the blessed channels of Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Discovery Channel. I salute thee Spongebob, Mythbusters, and orc horde from warcraft for helping me in my time of need. Anyways, that's the reason why I haven't posted for a week. (A metaphorical picture of what TV and Warcraft 3 was to me)
A song I've had stuck in my head for a while. I think this version just blows the original away (though the original is good too). It's also now my favorite Daft Punk song. -I also decided to tell what happens to me everyday in the "song of the day posts" so here it goes- Today I ran five miles after school for off season track practice (meaning that it isn't Track season yet, but you're supposed to run to keep in shape). I didn't drink much of anything today so I got some cramps within the first mile. I got a large amount of homework that I should probably be doing instead of posting on my blog. (I'm just using this as an excuse too put off the inevitable, cause boy do I like to procrastinate!)
Just recently I've started noticing how music oriented I am. There's barely ever a moment where I don't have my i-pod with me, and I go through earphones faster than anything I can think of. Anyways, I decided to do a song of the day of some of the more interesting songs I listen to, and hopefully songs that less people know about. (planning on doing it once a day, though can't next week). This is Bibo no Aozora/04 by Ryuichi Sakamoto, made famous when used in the movie Babel. I like most of the song, but towards the end, it gets sort of weird.
Hey, I haven't recorded any singing before this cover, but I think I did pretty well, since the song has simple lyrics and is a lot easier to sing that anything else. I like how it turned out. It's the first time I've heard myself sing (or even talk) without curling up into a little ball of despair.
Our first Advanced Radio and TV project. We were supposed to do a 2 minute trailer of anything we wanted. So what did Brandon and I pick to do? Cross Country of course! Not only is it the most amazing sport ever, but it's fun, exciting, and... um...
um... never mind, I actually can't think of any good things about XC, It's just one of those things that you have to be crazy to enjoy. Any who, it was lots of fun to make this trailer, and I hope you like it.
My Everyday guitar cover has broken the 10,000 mark for views on youtube! It has 119 ratings, and 87 comments (all of them good). I also have 11 subscribers now (though 2 are people I know). Link:
I'm a Junior in High school that runs in Cross-Country and long distance track. I take Photo and Broadcasting. My hobbies are playing guitar, searching the internet, and my (sort of) secret hobby is watching anime... I probably shouldn't have typed that if it was a secret... oh well. Anyways, I'm very music oriented and I love a wide variety of music.