Monday, December 8, 2008

Song of the Day # 7

John Murphy: In the House - In a Heartbeat

Yet another soundtrack song, maybe I should rename these Movie-songs of the Day. This is from 28 Days Later, in the beginning, when he wakes up and is wandering the streets of a post apocalyptic-type world.

News- Last night, Noah and I went to a free orchestra concert in Chicago. We rode the bus to the train and on the train to downtown. We got there in time for the lecture before the concert, and when we went in, I felt so out of place. Most everyone there had head full of gray, and Noah said he saw a lady talk to another while pointing at us. It was really cold outside and the concert wasn't until 8:00 p.m., so we didn't get back until about 10:30. It was pretty fun to go out by ourselves, and I managed to do some homework on the train and bus.

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Song of the Day Playlist